Wedding Bells

My wedding dress, hanging in my room,
hidden from Michael under a sheet.

Tomorrow morning I’m off to Chestnut Hill Bed and Breakfast in Orange, VA.  It’s where Michael and I are having our wedding.  We’ll be driving up with my sister Rosemary, who has been visiting and helping me prepare.

Right now I’m taking a quick break from packing.  There’s a huge pile of stuff ready to be taken out to the car – everything from attendants gifts, to makeup and shoes and dozens of other details.  The last things that will go in the car tomorrow will be the wedding dress, laid carefully over everything else.

While I’m gone I have some friends who have graciously agreed to guest post on my blog.  Please welcome them in the upcoming days!

And when I come back you’ll see a few small changes around here, as I slowly make sure all the “Jennifer Crowley” references become “Jennifer Raymond.”

Wish me luck!