Indie Designer Giftalong

I’ve been rather delinquent in posting about this, but I figure better late than never, eh?

This year I’m participating in the Indie Designer Giftalong.  What is a giftalong you ask?  Well, considering how the holidays are a stone’s throw away (I know, don’t remind me!), this means if you are planning on knitting or crocheting for the holidays, time is running out.

A bunch of designers (over 150!) have decided to help the holiday crafters out, creating a sale of 25% off that runs from November 1-15th.  This is partnered with a Knit-a-long (KAL) or Crochet-a-long (CAL) to help people stay motivated to finish holiday gifts.  All along the way, there are great prizes that participants can win.

So, information:

There’s a Ravelry Group for the Giftalong.
There’s a list of Prizes and Patterns that you can win along the way.
There’s a list of participating Designers.
There’s Rules.
In case you are visual (or not on Ravelry), here’s Pinterest boards with all the participating patterns:

Do I need to be on Ravelry to buy the patterns? NO! All you need is a credit card.  The cart will ring you up via paypal and you can have the pattern emailed to you.

What patterns are you offering? This includes: Swirl SocksSweet StrawberriesOutrageous OrangeTunisian Cat, and One Salt Sea.