This evening Michael was throwing his clothes from SEA in the wash – as they stunk to high heaven. One of the things was the SEA watchman’s cap that I knit for him after he went through the program the first time. As he was getting ready to put stuff in the wash, we had a conversation that went like this:
Me: You know, I think that’s wool.
Him: No, I’m fairly sure it’s acrylic. You wouldn’t make something for me that was wool after the socks I felted.
Me: *Dubious* Well, okay, if you’re sure.
You know what’s going to happen here, right? Just in case it isn’t obvious, this was our conversation about an hour later.
Him: Sweetheart, guess what.
Me: *wary* What?
Him: The hat felted.
Turns out that when I said it was Wool, Michael thought I meant it was washable wool, like my socks (which go in the wash, but not the dryer. We had to have a conversation between super-wash and normal wool.
I don’t think this hat really fits anymore… |