Updates, Holidays, Naughty Numbers

I’ve been sucked into plans for Christmas, but today I find myself with another rainy day and a pot of warm tea to keep me going through the afternoon.

Mr. Turtle and I pulled out the Christmas decorations out of the attic over the weekend, put up the tree, and decorated the living room and dining room.  I have extra fir branches to make into a wreath later this week, and perhaps some garlands to hang from the walls.  Last night I rubbed my hands in the branches of the tree, and enjoyed the scent that permeated my hands.

I have two super secret projects I’m working on for Mr. Turtle and my mother-in-law, and a couple of other hand-knits I made over the year to give as gifts.  A full post will have to go up after Christmas, when I’m not in danger of giving things away.  Meanwhile, presents that we ordered online are rolling in, and things are shaping up to finish nearly on-time, as far as I can tell.

Business – wise things have been a mixed bag.  I have a glove pattern that should be done, except my tech editor keeps catching numbers problems that aren’t working.  She’s doing exactly what she’s supposed to do – which is to catch problems before they make it into a publication.  BUT!  I just want this darn glove pattern done!  I want to wave my magic wand and just will the numbers to work!

… I’m told it doesn’t quite work that way.

Still, several other projects are in the works that will reach fruition come the new year, so I’m trying not to get discouraged.

I’ll leave you a picture of the naughty gloves, which I’m determined to get right!