Today’s been quite the day.
Supplies for a class on Saturday at Fibre Space
Right now, I’m in the airport, waiting to get on a plane to head to Boston. It wasn’t all that long ago I was in Boston for fun with Mr. Turtle, but this time it’s for sadder reasons. My great-aunt, Janet, died last Saturday morning. I found out Saturday morning as I was heading out the door to catch a train to Old Town Alexandria for a full day of teaching at Fibre Space.
So today I’m heading back to Boston, and then onward to Newburyport and the family home there. I’ll be supporting my mother (Momma Turtle) and extended family. I’ve got mixed feelings about the trip, but we’ll make the best of it. I’ve got a backpack full of yarn to finish the sweater I need to send off on Monday.
I’ve got a couple of fun blog-posts scheduled to run while I’m gone, so be sure to keep tuning in, but I won’t be checking my email until Monday.
In other news, I got a package in the mail yesterday evening. It was small, and I couldn’t remember that anything was supposed to be getting back to me soon. So of course, I immediately ripped it open.
It was my Karner Butterfly socks, returned to me.
Getting projects back after they’ve been published is a bit like greeting an old friend: a little odd, and very welcome. Oftentimes I worked in these projects quite a while ago (in this case, nearly 11 months ago), and I haven’t seen them since then. They immediately bring back all the memories that happened when I was working on them: in this case, it was the cruise I went on with my family last year.
If you missed Karner Butterfly the first time around, you should check them out! They’re a fun little pattern.