Resources for Teaching Children Fiberarts

child learning to knit

Learning Fiberarts!

This marks the end of the first weeks of the camps I’m running with Montgomery College, and I’m wrapping up one of my cornerstone camps, String Theory.  String Theory is a sampler camp: giving the children a taste of spinning, weaving, sewing and knitting.  The hope is, at the end of the camp, students will have found something they’re interested in, and pursue it further.  I thought it’d be helpful to have a reference post of resources for children – and ongoing fiberarts learning.




learning to weave

Learning to Weave

  • Kid’s Weaving is where it’s at.  It’s one of the only book that is weaving and geared toward children, and it’s solid.
  • You Can Weave is older, and harder to find, but a good resource.



  1. Amanda Kirby says

    My mother in law and her brother (he lives with her) both knit and Gabriel (my oldest, who is 7) has started to express some interest in knitting and will sit and knit some on whatever they are working on when we visit them or they come over to watch the younger two kids.