I’ve been struggling with all the rain we’ve been getting in Virginia the last week. It’s made me want to hole up inside, forget my work, and knit/crochet to a good series of audiobooks. Ever have those weeks?
This weekend ended up being like a breath of fresh air – the weather was warm and favorable, and we were able to tackle some projects we’d been wanting to get to before Little Turtle arrived. Little Turtle, thankfully, was accommodating.
As I’m wrapping up projects left and right before Little Turtle comes, it’s given me some breathing room to tackle some personal knitting projects that had stalled. It’s also given me a bit of breathing room to begin dreaming again – projects and ideas I’ve been wanting to tackle, yarn that needs to be used, and things that have been resting in the back of my mind that needed to come out.
Rosemary and Bay
I finally finished the small touches on my own, personal Rosemary & Bay. I started it shortly after St. Patrick’s day, so it has a bit of an Irish theme. Which is OK with me – my father’s family being Boston Irish, I figure I’m entitled to dressing Little Turtle in Shamrocks on more than just the holiday. The small Shamrock was duplicate stitched after finishing the dress.
Wooden Buttons
It still needs a good ribbon for the center – debating if I want to do a shade of green, white, or something completely different. I added two little wooden buttons for the back closure. I actually turned the buttons around so the backside is facing outwards: I like this side better!
Coming off of Unwind I’d had a number of samples I’d started for classes. I normally try and have something to use to demonstrate on (even if I’m just as prone to “stealing” student’s projects). That way, if someone needs to practice a skill before working on their own piece, there’s one available. Still, after the weekend I had a yen to finish the pieces, rather than just ripping them out and returning the yarn to the pile. A week later, and I find I’m richer two sets of pulsvarmers and a half-finished cowl – pictures to come!
What have you been working on?