I guess it’s been a while, and I thank you all for your patience as I’ve been easing back into the business.
First, a couple of business notes: if you’ve contacted me about finishing or repair work in the last while, you were put on a waiting list. I’ll be contacting people in the order they were put on the list starting next week. If you haven’t heard from me by the end of the month, please reach out, as something may have happened.
I’m trying to get back to all the emails by the end of next week, too. If you haven’t heard from me by then, reach out again, please!
And now onto what everyone really wants to know about: Little Turtle.
Rebecca Belle Raymond was born in our home on June 1st. We had a smooth, if long labor. In the following weeks we had family descend upon the household, acting as pinch-hitters so Mr. Turtle and I could catch up on sleep. God bless grandparents!
Now, five weeks later Little Turtle is two pounds heavier. She’s gone from swimming in our newborn outfits and diapers to busting at the seams. On a good night we’ll get a four hour stretch of sleep – pure bliss.
When home more often than not she hangs out in one of the many cloth diapers my mother has made for her. I’m so fortunate that I have a seamstress that wants to sew for my child! I’m beginning to have fun playing with her outfits as she grows out of the few newborn pieces we have and into the plethora of 3-month clothes we have.
As Mr. Turtle will note, right now she’s just beginning to ease out of the boring-potato stage. Now she’s beginning to smile in response to things around her, and beginning to stay awake for longer periods of time during the day. She pees like a racehorse, though!
As for the projects I’m working on… I’ve been taking a step to the side to make progress on a number of sewing things. I have a surprise quilt for someone I can’t talk about yet, and a number of scrappy quilts that I’m hoping to make for beds in the house. I haven’t touched my yarn in just over a month, and it seems like it was a much-needed break. Part of it was because Rebecca seemed to suck up all the energy I had for really thinking. Sewing, especially sewing straight seems like I was doing, was so much more straightforward!
Still, I’ve got a few projects coming up in the next few months, so stay tuned!
Congratulations!!!! She’s perfect <3
Aww, what a beautiful precious baby!