
I’m not quite sure where the last week has went, as I’ve been preparing for the Indie Design A Long and finishing up a couple of patterns.

I was so excited for Halloween – it’s one of my favorite holidays, not the least because it happens during the height of Fall.  I also love that it’s the holiday where you can play pretend; or eve
n try on different types of people you want to be.  Oftentimes when I was a teenager, Halloween was the time to let my dreams out to play.

This year I was so excited.  We live in suburbia, and I was convinced that we’d get lots of trick or treaters. Last week I decorated the house, making a rather epic run to Walmart, which was pretty impressive considering that I left stuff for others to buy.  I got pumpkin bags that you fill with leaves (real grownups have those – my parents never got them as we always lived up against a wooded area, so leaves got composted).

We got 12 trick or treaters.  It was a disappointment.

Still, I thought I’d share with you some pictures of my decorations.

The house, decorated, with the pumpkin bags in front.
In the dark the house looks much scarier!
My black cat costume matches the cat on our door!
I carved my pumpkin to be my logo.
Putting my dress forms to good use.
My other dress form. I made the heads!
I stuck a flashing light inside, so when it got dark it glowed!
Another picture of my turtle, because I worked very hard on it!