I made this crab dip recipe a while back, and I wanted to share with you guys, since I like the way it turned out.
By Glory Foods |
I made this crab dip recipe a while back, and I wanted to share with you guys, since I like the way it turned out.
By Glory Foods |
The farm share started last week and Michael and I got our first delivery. It was filled with delicious fruits and vegetables, which was lovely. After we made a salad out of the greens for dinner, I was talking to Michael and I mentioned how cool it would be if he made me a sushi roll for each week of the farm share. It would be a challenge: at least 100% of the core ingredients would have to be from things in the farm share.
What were my thoughts on this roll? With the peas and the Strawberries, this could definitely be more of a desert roll instead of a dinner roll. The sauce was good, but wasn’t quite the match I was thinking of. I also think the sauce would have been better served over the roll, and that it would have looked better, presentation-wise, if it had been served inside-out, with the rice on the outside and the seaweed wrap on the inside. Overall, pretty good.
Do you like sushi? What non-standard rolls have you encountered that you’ve enjoyed?
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