I’ve talked before about my love of locking stitch markers. Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of my rainbow stitch markers, which still fill me with much glee.
When I’m setting in a sleeve, I use locking stitch markers to act as guidelines. This way, if I have to do some “easing” I know that I’m not going to come to the end of the seam and have extra fabric on one side.
What I do is this:
First, I mark the middle of each sleeve with a locking stitch marker.
Then, I pin the ends of the sleeve (where it meets at the armpit on both sides) with a different color. I pin the two middle markers together also.
Then, distributing the stitch markers evenly, I pin every few inches the two sides together.
The best part? Unlike pinning with pins, locking stitch markers don’t poke me. This makes me happy, and a little less likely to bleed on my knitting.