rectangular lace crochet tablecloth with center border and then outer border made up of flower motifs
One of my favorite repairs, recently, has been a series of two different crochet lace tablecloths I took on. These two pieces were both at least 30 or more years old, and were in pretty good condition. Frank from Textile Restoration Inc in Chicago had sent the client my way. I’ll highlight the first of the tablecloths today, and I’ll be highlighting the second of them a little later.
The first tablecloth, which I thought of as “Field of Flowers” when I worked on it, was a huge piece, at least 5 1/2 feet by 4 feet. It was made of a center pannel of 4 x 12 motfs, an inner border of triangles, an outer set of motifs 4 deep, and then larger second outer border.
Most of the holes were areas where motifs that had been joined as the tablecloth was worked had come undone and unraveled – not uncommon, even in pieces where every single end is tightly woven in. The areas where two motifs join together tend to be an area that recieves more stress.