Exciting News for New England Crafters

Did you know that I’m originally from Massachusetts?  This fall I’ll be returning to my roots at the 4th Annual Fall Fiber Festival of New England!  Hosted at the Big E fairgounds in Springfield, Massachusetts, I’ll be teaching two half-day classes.

The First, Crazy Mixed Up Slipped Stitches, will be in the morning, starting at 9:30 am.  The second, Hairpin Lace Scarf in a Day will be starting at 1 pm.

I am so pleased and excited to be teaching at the The Fall Fiber Festival, and I hope to see many of you there!  Aside from the classes, there’s quite a selection of vendors, and plenty to do around the area.  The New England area has a rich history with the fiber arts, and I’m pleased to be participating in this event.

Details, as more come, will be posted on the blog.
