Today’s a bit of a mishmash of life-notes and thoughts, being that I’m still working through the laundry from Thanksgiving and have all my deadlines looming right at the same time, mid-month.
Not much personal knitting/crocheting has been happening in the Turtle household lately, which makes me a very boring person indeed.
I’ve been working in a sweater made in a size small. Working a size small sample always makes me nervous: even though I know my math is correct, and the piece is measuring out correct, when I look at the knitted piece I have a hard time believing it would actually fit a real live adult person. I keep going over to my size small dress form and holding it up, reassuring myself it really is the right size, and then working myself up into a tizzy again a few hours later.
For some reason it doesn’t happen when I work a size medium.
Anyone else ever have this problem?
Being away from home means the cats have been very needy the last two days. I suppose this is a good thing, as I’m doing 3-5 hours of knitting each day to meet a mid-month deadline. They can sit on my lap and I can work, work, work.
Still, it’s grey and rainy out, and due to be the same weather until Thursday, which seems like such a long way away. That meant yesterday my knitting time became my nap time for entirely too long. It also means my needy white cat, Watson, has been in my face saying “pet me! pet me!” … with his claws.
Still, it’s good to be home for a little stretch, even if it’s just shy of two weeks before we’re off again.
Crochet lace about to be repaired
I’m tearing through the last of the finishing that’s due before Christmas, and hoping to get it off a little before the holiday. I’ve had a number of rather challenging projects: a fisherman’s sweater that had seen better days, and a crochet bedspread made a difficult repair simply because it was so LARGE. If you’ve been waiting on your finishing to arrive before Christmas, it should be going off sometime around the 18th.
Meanwhile I haven’t started on Christmas cards, nearly any shopping, or cleaning the house. I’ve been vibrating a little with holiday tension. If I wasn’t knitting for work, I’d be knitting for stress relief.
Still, I get to listen to as much of the holiday music as I can stand, which is a huge plus.
Foxes being embroidered
When off shopping with my mother and sister over the holiday, I noticed no fewer than five different shirts on adults and children (in different stores) featuring foxes. One of my current designs has a fox on it.
I’m so excited for it to be out in the world. Foxes are soooo in right now. And it’s great – I think they’re adorable!